With the skies becoming more crowded than ever, high-performance intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities comprised of EO/IR systems have become critical to mission success.
As a world pioneer in the field of gyro-stabilized systems and aerial EO/IR payloads, IAI’s comprehensive product range includes state-of-the-art, operationally proven gyros, accelerometers and cameras spanning a wide range of use cases.
With thousands of systems integrated with different platforms over the past 40 years, IAI’s products have supported fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, UAVs, aerostats, and VTOLs throughout the world.
ELM-2112 Radar
ELI-2058 Tactical ISR Surveillance Systems
Scorpius – T: Electronic Warfare Training
Ground-Based Air Defense (GBAD) & Counter Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) have become the central core of any nation’s defense necessity. It came back into focus in recent years because of the introduction of new threats, including sophisticated tactical ballistic missiles (TBM), new-generation fighter aircraft, loitering munitions, and attack drones.
IAI’s systems can detect, locate, classify, and intercept the various threatening targets found on the modern battlefield. Moreover, their flexible, modular architecture ensures the ability to grow and adapt to future threats as they arise.
IAI’s solutions address the different threats at all ranges and altitudes from Air Defense Gunnery and CIWS at low altitudes, short-range, medium-range, long-range and extended-range Air Defense, where IAI has provided tailor-made and off-the-shelf solutions that give our customers the upper-edge.
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